2022 Year Round Up Blog
Dear Partners, Collaborators and Friends,
With the end of the year approaching, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your support over 2022. It has been a pleasure working with you and we hope to do something creative with you in the coming year. This has been a big year for The Growth House, here are just some of the things we did:
Continued our monthly Open House events AND announced the transition to LIVE events in 2023
Re-vamped our website (again)
Continued the development of BIG STRONG MAN by performing at LIVE Holbeck, produced by Barrel Organ Theatre alongside wonderful artists Category: Peach, Clodagh Chapman, Nicole Murmann and Sophie Wright.
Auditioned and interviewed for new collaborators to join our next show, BIG STRONG MAN. Through this we found the wonderful Sebastian Emmerson, Lena Kennard and Tommo Fowler.
Led our Play House Tester workshop for a group of invited guests (Trailer video coming soon…)
Led a 2-week research and development at CAST in Doncaster for BIG STRONG MAN
Facilitated amazing workshops for young people at Happy Streets Festival and Flibberty Giberty Summer School
Event Managed ArtBomb 2022 Festival
Applied for a bunch of residencies and opportunities (not all of them successful, but all worth doing)
Applied for an unsuccessful ACE Project Grant (rejected: other applications preferred)
Performed at a fundraising event with Craven Consultancy Services, to raise money for our friends at The Jordan Legacy.
Delivered a hilarious and heartfelt performance for Colin Dunstan’s birthday, featuring storytelling, voice notes, games and celebrity cameos (get in touch for us to create one for you)
Connected with amazing artists, creatives and people across the country and the world!
So all in all, a pretty good year! Comment below and let us know what you are proud of from this year and what you’re excited about for next year. Keep your eye out for BIG STRONG MAN, Open House LIVE, Play House and more.
Thank you for coming with us on this journey. We can’t wait to continue learning, creating and growing out with you in 2023. Keep an eye on all our socials for news and announcements.
Don’t Grow Up, Have a Happy Festive Season,
Christopher, Peter and Sam
The DGUGO Boys