Freedom and Play: Being Childlike not Childish

You know when a new born baby cries and cries and cries... and cries? You feel like…

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Well, have you ever wondered why their voices never get sore? Have you ever thought, “isn’t it weird that this baby has never been to a single dance class and can shoulder their leg with ease?”


When did you grow up? When did you put away those childish things? Did you make that decision, or did someone make it for you?

The reason I love working with young people is because they haven’t yet, and with all their assumptions on life and people, there are consistent awe inspiring moments of true wisdom and clarity, whenever they are respected and given room to be themselves without the fear of being ‘TOLD OFF’ for being loud or expressing their views in their way.

I believe that as creatives, it is essential to remember, honour and devise from a place of play.

Granted we aren’t the same people we were however long ago, but without the ability to let go of concepts and simply be, we inevitably lose ourselves in irrelevant details and how the work or ourselves will be judged.

The reason a baby’s voice never gets sore because the world hasn’t taught it to ‘sit up straight’ and be quiet, so their voice is clear and resonant. A baby can shoulder it’s leg because it doesn’t care about the fat on on show or if someone will turn their nose up, therefore the back muscles haven’t been tightened by the school chair or by fear of not being noticed.

At TGH we denounce the precepts of growing up to fit the structure society sets for you. We believe that people aren’t just black or white but multi-dimensional, and to GROW UP is the death of pure creativity.

So I ask, where is the child you once were?

Are they walking alongside you hand in hand, or has it moved somewhere far away and only occasionally writes you, or do you not even remember their face?

Don’t Grow Up, Grow Out, is our mantra and we hope you will join us soon with that principle in mind.