Pete on Tour - Part 2: Time Off to Switch Off

Productivity and Guilt - Returning To Performing Post Lockdown 

Hey folks quick one from your pal Pete. 

This week the intensity of everything has ramped up and we’re feeling the pressure of performance coming up. Part of this has been to get into the bad habit of thinking that anytime not practicing the songs, dances, lines, motivations, intentions, transitions etc is time wasted. In other words I (and others) are starting to feel guilty for doing other stuff. 

This is completely ridiculous. My whole life is not this job and sometimes you need to cut loose!

No matter how serious or important things are! We all went out partying on Saturday and danced like crazy (in our cast bubble). It was wonderful! Also I don’t even remember the last time I did anything like that. So I’m encouraging you, dear reader, to do something because you enjoy it not because you have to.  If you are not sure how please see my beginners guide to having fun below. 

Step 1- Make a solid plan like a mega birthday plan. 

E.g  playing board games with friends, going to club x at x o’clock, going trampolining, escape rooms, skydiving, making a new art installation out of COVID equipment, Celine Dion, random quotes from BoJo and a kumquat.

Step 2 -  Either during or just before the plan - abandon the plan! 

Step 3 - Do something new and spontaneous that feels good. If you’re in a group go with what’s happening and what people are enjoying! 

Step 4 - If it stops feeling good go back to Step 2, if it still feels good keep going!

Well done, you just had fun!

And now for something completely different…

Look at this





Hugs, Peter x